Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Well, here I am

Doing something I always said I wouldn't. Start a blog. I never had any interest, but after many requests I decided to cave. I say random crap often enough on facebook so I figure I can type the same stuff here.

I suppose I'll start with the title of the blog. Twice the...
I'm sure you can figure out what that means. It's pretty self explanatory. Twice the smiles, twice the love, twice the poop, twice the amount of night wakings, etc.

Now to the story. I guess I should start from the beginning.
Nick and I decided one drunken, lazy Sunday afternoon that we were ready to start trying for a family. That was the last day I took my pill. We got pregnant that first month, only to lose that baby (or babies, who knows). A couple months later we got pregnant again. I went to my first Dr. appointment around 8 weeks. Did the run of the mill bloodwork, then got an ultrasound. We saw the little turd(no lie, thats what it looked like) and its heart beat and all was well. Fast forward to the NT scan around 12 weeks. The ultrasound tech puts the gooey wand on my belly, says to me "uh, what did the last ultrasound tech say to you?" which of course puts me in a panic. Thats when I look up at the screen and notice something that didn't appear to be there last time. Another baby. Holy shock! Nick just grabbed my hand and I could feel his pulse in his palm.

The pregnancy was relatively smooth, as far as multiples pregnancies go. But, at 14 weeks I started having pretty constant Braxton Hicks contractions and was put on partial bedrest at 17 weeks. It was mighty boring. But, well worth it.

Towards the end of my pregnancy we noticed that the boys weren't really growing. The doctors weren't sure why this was, so I was induced at 37 weeks. Pitocin is the devil. I went into the hospital Easter Sunday and started with Cervadil. The next morning they started the Pitocin drip. The contractions were painful but nothing worth writing home about. Then my water broke, but of course at the time I thought I had lost all bladder control. After that the contractions were like fire. I was only dilated 2cm at this point so they wouldn't let me get an epidural. Instead I got some other drug through the IV which did nothing to ease the pain, but it did make me nice and dizzy. That did not make for a happy Kristine.

Once I finally got the epidural I was a different woman. Finally around 5:15am that Tuesday I was wheeled into the OR to deliver our boys. Grant came first after an hour of pushing, followed by his brother, Cole.

I was discharged from the hospital the next day, but the boys spent a week in the NICU. After that our lives would never be the same.

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