Thursday, October 28, 2010

No Sleep for You!!

So yesterday was a super fussy day for the boys.  The slept like hell the night before then I schlepped them to my parents because my dad is retiring tomorrow. 
And no, the husband is not with me so don't rob our house. 

Anyway, I was hoping to get a good night's sleep last night because its been far too long.  One would think that would have been possible considering the boys slept until 7am.  No such luck. 

The storms that reeked havoc over the mid west came our way.  The weather man told us to take cover immediately.  Neat.  There's no sleeping involved in tornado cover. 

I finally make it to bed at around 11.  Then around 1am I am awoken by another storm system.  It was raining so hard it looked like a thick fog.  I could barely see the houses behind my parents'.  That storm passes through and I go back to sleep.  And I'm sleeping mighty well until I randomly wake up at 5:30. 

Remember that monitor I wrote about before?  Well, my mom found one on her local craigslist for $10 and the deal was a success.  But, as I found out last night, if you are using the receiver while it is plugged in, it creates lots and lots of static.  So, since there was nothing but static coming my way, I grab my glasses of the nightstand only to knock them to the floor.  Then in my rush to check on the babies, I reach down to the floor to get my glasses when BAM, I slam my head into the nightstand.  Now I have a nice purple welt about an inch in diameter in the middle of my forehead.  I always knew I was supposed to have horns. 

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