Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The first 6 months. The abridged version

The first three months are already a blur. It was round the clock feeding, changing, pumping, feeding, changing, pumping. At night we had to set the alarm for every three hours to make sure these little buggers ate enough b/c they were so small at birth.
I remember lots of poop. Loooooootttttssssssssss of poop. That breastmilk goes right through them. I often would open a diaper and be offered a present of poo on my hand. Gee, thanks child.
Lots of urine showers as well.
Then I was in my best friends wedding and it killed my milk supply. I was a bit bummed at first, but once we switched to formula, everyone was much happier. Suddenly, the babies weren't crying constantly.

After three months they started sleeping through the night. Ah, glorious sleep. I would often have to wake them in the morning to feed them. Well, that little present only lasted about a month and a half. Oh, how I miss sleep.

These babies. They grow like weeds I tell ya. They've more than tripled their birth weight. (Not too difficult when you weigh roughly 4lbs at birth.) And watching the milestones is a great experience. The both rolled for the first time on the same day. Shocking! Now, they're both working on crawling. Cole rocks on his knees for a good portion of the day. It usually leaves him terribly frustrated and in tears b/c he just can't seem to get to whatever toy it is he's after. Grant usually scoots himself backwards and ends up with his legs stuck under the couch. I've started baby proofing, but I've still got a way to go.
We're also working on teeth. This teething thing. Yeah, not so fun. Its considered a good night if we're up less than 5 times at night. Remember those days of me waking them at 7:30? Haven't seen one of those in quite a while.


  1. It's amazing how fast 6 months go. IT's awesome that your little guys are starting the whole crawling thing. Harper just likes to sit up all day long. I'll think she might walk first.

  2. I love the blog Stine, so excited that I can baby stalk via facebook AND the blog now! So good to see ya'll last week and we'll be down for a visit soon! :)
