Thursday, November 18, 2010

Not for the squeamish

Last night was a fun one.  I'm here all by my lonesome taking care of these two awesomely cute babies.  Well, they decided that they were going to alternate waking all night and I was up every hour if not more.  So, when I go to change Cole's first diaper of the day, my eyes aren't quite open yet. 

I open it up to realize he's left me a present.  The boy has crapped his pants.  Before I can realize whats going on, he sticks his hand in his diaper, then proceeds to put said hand in mouth.  yeah.  Awesome. 

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

First haircut

Yesterday we took the boys for their first haircut.  Grant never lost part of his birth hair and it was creating quite the comb-over.  It was necessary, but the thought of going through with it made me ill. 
I'm still not sure why I found this simple procedure to be so daunting.  Many mothers cry when their babies get shots.  Not me.  Doesn't phase me at all.  But a simple haircut?  I thought I was going to puke all day yesterday.  The anticipation was brutal.

But, once we got down to it, it happened so quickly there was no time to freak out.  We both had to hold one child since they still aren't sitting on their own and then the women worked their magic.  Then it was done.  I barely got any pics.  But, we do have their hair.  One of these days I need to get started on their baby books. 

I would post pics but I think if I put any more pictures on this computer it will boycott and refuse to turn on. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I hope the sleep gods read this

Its official.  I'm losing my mind. 
Or I've got a very early case of early onset Alzheimer's. 

This morning I go about the day as normal.  Then, it was time to take our weekly trip to Walmart.  I get the boys and the diaper bag ready, get everything and everyone in the car, lock up and...what?  I don't have my keys.  Or my cell phone. 

I take the stroller out of the van (I had unlocked it from in the house) and take the boys across the street to the church.  I call Nick, thinking he was going to be super pissed, but he didn't even have the first sound of annoyance in his voice.  Neat!  I hang out with the boys in the church nursery until Nick gets back. 

By that time it was too late to try to attack Wally world before their next feeding so I put them down for a nap and go about my day. 

Trip to Walmart Take 2:
Get the boys in the van and go to Walmart. 
Mission at least started. 
People pretty much stayed to themselves which was nice.  I only had a couple crazy stalkers this time. 
I get everything I need and head to the check out.  The line was absurdly long, but the boys were good so I didn't much care.  I finally make it to the register and unload everything.  I put my wallet in the cupholder of the stroller for easy access b/c I knew they would want my ID for the wine I bought.  I was right.  She asks for my ID, I give it to her, put the ID back in the wallet and the wallet back in the bag.  Only I didn't realize I had done this.  Once she was finished ringing everything up I go to grab my wallet and its not there.  I say, a bit too loudly, "Oh shit!  Someone stole my wallet!"  I'm freaking out. 
Um, moron, its in the diaper bag.

I seriously need more sleep. 

In other news, Cole learned a new trick today. 
If he notices that Grant has a paci, he will do anything to get to it and steal it.  Even if he already has one in his mouth.  He will then proceed to try to shove it in his already paci filled mouth and get horribly frustrated and start crying.  Is it bad that I laugh?

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Blessing or Curse?

The boys have started playing with each other.  They will look at each other and cackle and tug on the same toy.  Playing together also means that they pull each others hair and chomp down on different appendages. 
I'm happy that they can entertain each other for a little while, but the sibling abuse is a bit premature me thinks. 

Monday, November 1, 2010

In honor of Halloween I have a scary dream story

I recently had a dream that would scare the pants off of anyone. 

Somehow, without taking a pregnancy test, I found out I was pregnant.  I'm not sure where I got this handy tool, but I had an ultrasound machine at home.  I placed the wand on my belly and found out I was having twins.  SCREAM!! 

I could tell they were boy/girl twins because one was outlined in pink and the other blue. 

I hope this isn't a reoccurring dream (nightmare)