Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Sh*t stupid people say

The world has its fair share of morons, but when you're a mom of multiples you come across far too many far too often. It astounds me the moronic comments I get every time I go into public. There hasn't been a single outing where I wasn't asked if my boys were twins. I would think this would be obvious, but apparently people are too dumb to even figure that one out. I should have started a tally of the things people say to me. I could have written a book by the end of the first year. Instead I'll settle for trying to remember some of the best ones for you.

  • Are they twins? Nope, I stole a baby that's identical to mine.
  • How do you do it? Most of the time I sit back and let the dogs watch them.
  • Better you than me. Well, with that attitude, I'd say you're correct.
  • I'd die if I had twins.
  • But they can't be yours. You're too small. For those of you who don't know, I'm 4'11" and pretty thin. I have had people start full on arguments with me over whether or not I had the babies.
  • You're what? 15? Well, I can be judgemental too, but I usually keep it to myself.
  • The latest gem happened at Wally world the other day. I was leaving and this lady started running, full speed, yelling "Miss. Oh Miss." My attempt to ignore crazy was a huge failure. First, she asked if they're twins. (Shocker). Then she proceeded to tell me that Dion Celine was having twins. Awesome, but if you're going to tell me a story at least have the name right. And could you please visit a dentist before trying to frighten all the neighborhood children.
Walmart is like a mecca for the crazies. I get the best comments there. Since I go there on a weekly basis I'm sure I'll have more fun stories for you all in the future.
So, the moral of today's story is: Yes, twins are fascinating, but please don't treat them like circus freaks. We have lives and things to do and talking to you about how we conceived and what our day to day lives are like are not on our list of priorities.

1 comment:

  1. That is one of the many reasons I hate, and thus refuse to shop at Walmart. I can't handle the crazies!
